Kolhapur News : A video has gone viral on social media showing Tanaji Ramchandra Vichare, a police constable from Budhargad police station, assaulting a hotel owner in Gargoti while allegedly intoxicated. The incident has tarnished the image of the police force, prompting swift action from senior officials who have suspended Vichare.
Incident Details:
On Wednesday afternoon, Vichare visited a hotel in Pimpalgaon on the Gargoti-Gadhinglaj highway for lunch. In an apparently inebriated state, Vichare argued with the hotel staff and started beating the owner.The entire incident was captured on CCTV cameras installed in the hotel.
Action Taken:
After the video went viral, senior police officials ordered an immediate investigation.On Thursday morning, CCTV footage was seized, and Vichare was suspended from duty.
The incident has sparked outrage, with many criticizing the behavior of a few police personnel tarnishing the entire department’s motto of “protection and upholding law.”
Honest and diligent police officers have to bear the brunt of the public’s ire due to the actions of a few undisciplined individuals, while also carrying the responsibility of maintaining law and order in the entire district.
Further Developments:
Police Inspector Sachin Patil confirmed that Vichare has been suspended based on the directives of senior officials.Stricter measures are needed within the police force to prevent such incidents from happening again.
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