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Manekshaw was a Parsi who was born in Amritsar and raised in the city in his initial years before being sent to study in Sherwood College, Nainital. He was naturally fluent in Punjabi

He would converse in Punjabi with Sikh soldiers whenever he came across them. his  bonding with Panjab was continuied during his lifetime. 

Sam was given the affectionate title of ‘Sam Bahadur’  However, Sam did not serve with the Gorkhas for even a single day 

.Sam Manekshaw was commissioned in frontier force regiment and serve in this battalion till the level of Company Commander, and was injured in battle in Burma in World War II

A Court of Inquiry was launched against Sam Manekshaw in 1962 to investigate several trumped-up charges against him.

Sam was blamed for the movement of troops to Delhi after prime minister Nehru’s death. This was mentioned in a boodk on him Written by  SD Sood

He would often visit these camps to  the Pak PoWs, and would often get mobbed by them. On one visit, he asked with the armed soldiers moving with him for his protection. 

he was holding important assignments in the Army Headquarters during 1948-49 Kashmir War,  hence missed this important mileestone